In this post, I will show you how to easily visualize any data measured by Snowplow Analytics. I will use performance timing data as an example.
The data I use is stored Big Query, and I will visualize in Google Data Studio using a view that is small and snappy.
See my post on setting up Snowplow Analytics on the Google Cloud Platform on how to get your own pipeline set up.
The result is going to look like this:

Enable performance timing tracking
To track the data, you will first need to enable performance timing data tracking on your site. This works by setting performanceTiming to
in the contexts block of your tracker:true

Make a small BigQuery view
Datastudio can be very slow when connecting a large dataset, so we’re going to create a small view.
Sidenote: To make it work even faster, you can create a separate table (since views are basically a query over a larger dataset), but this works really well, since data caching works fine.
Make a query – save to view
In the Big Query UI, you can easily save the results of a query to a view to use in Data Studio. The Query I use:
#standardSQL select pv.app_id, format_timestamp('%Y%m%d',pv.derived_tstamp) as day, pv.page_urlpath, pt.connect_end - pt.connect_start as connect_end, pt.dom_loading - pt.connect_start as dom_loading, case when pt.dom_interactive > 0 then pt.dom_interactive - pt.connect_start else null end as dom_interactive, case when pt.dom_interactive > 0 then pt.dom_interactive - pt.dom_loading else null end as dom_loadtime, case when pt.dom_complete > 0 then pt.dom_complete - pt.connect_start else null end as dom_complete, case when pt.dom_complete > 0 then pt.dom_complete - pt.dom_loading else null end as dom_completetime, case when pt.dom_content_loaded_event_end > 0 then pt.dom_content_loaded_event_end - pt.connect_start else null end as page_loaded from `PROJECTNAME.DATASETNAME.TABLENAME` as pv , unnest( contexts_org_w3_performance_timing_1_0_0 ) as pt where pt.connect_start is not NULL and event = 'page_view'
In the results tab, you can check and tune your query until you’re happy with the results.
To save query costs, you might want to consider restricting table length by adding more WHERE
clauses (on date, or a subset of pages).

Once you’re happy, click the Save view button, to save this as a table in one of your datasets.

That’s it. You now have a view you can use in Data Studio
Connect Data Studio
In Data Studio, in a report, your data source should be immediately visible when clicking Create New Data Source and then choosing Big Query.

The columns in your view are directly usable in your graphs and widgets.

Create graphs and stare at them in awe
Data Studio works quite intuitively. Insert a graph type you like, select day, and the metrics you want to plot, and you’re done.

Make sure to change the aggregation type of the performance metrics from SUM to Average or Median.
That’s it
Done already? Yes! Congratulations, grab a coffee, you deserved it :)
Got tips, remarks? Leave a comment, or tweet me @zjuul – thanks!
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